# PowerShell 7 context menu for Windows 10 This helps you to add Powershell 7 to your directory context menu with these few easy steps. ![Screenshot](screenshot.png?raw=true "Screenshot") ## How to install? For installing the context menu for your choice, follow these steps: - clone the repo to your machine or download and unzip the released zip archive - open the location of the files in the Windows File Explorer or your desired file manager - right click on the chosed "Add..." .reg file and choose Merge option - make sure, you are clicking each Yes button ## How to uninstall? - right click on the Remove ... .reg file, depending the installed option (32-bit or 64-bit). ## Credits The original idea is from [Shawn Brink](https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/158168-how-add-remove-powershell-7-open-here-context-menu-windows-10-a.html).